Monday, April 25, 2011

After School for "Elle Girl"

Right before they kick their official comeback this month, the sexy ladies of After School took part in a unique “Elle Girl” photoshoot.

Utilizing funky retro pieces, the girls were asked to express the musical genres of disco, swing, and punk rock with their charms. Known for their model-like bodies, the task was an easy feat for the girls.

In their accompanying interview, UEE spoke a bit about her image by stating, “I always thought I was shy, but I’m quite friendly with people I meet for the first time.

On teamwork, the members all agreedRight before they kick their official comeback this month, the sexy ladies of After School took part in a unique “Elle Girl” photoshoot.

Utilizing funky retro pieces, the girls were asked to express the musical genres of disco, swing, and punk rock with their charms. Known for their model-like bodies, the task was an easy feat for the girls.

In their accompanying interview, UEE spoke a bit about her image by stating, “I always thought I was shy, but I’m quite friendly with people I meet for the first time.

On teamwork, the members all agreed that they were “the closest out of all of the girl groups.”

Nana continued, “People seem to think that we always fight, but there isn’t another girl group that’s as close as we are. Maybe it’s because of the large age gap that makes people think the unnis are dominant, but everyone is really nice and caring.”

Commenting on their upcoming return, Raina concluded, “We gave our image a change in order to exude a friendlier feel to our friends. Performance-wise, we have a secret weapon to keep our original After School color, so please look forward to it.” that they were “the closest out of all of the girl groups.”

Nana continued, “People seem to think that we always fight, but there isn’t another girl group that’s as close as we are. Maybe it’s because of the large age gap that makes people think the unnis are dominant, but everyone is really nice and caring.”

Commenting on their upcoming return, Raina concluded, “We gave our image a change in order to exude a friendlier feel to our friends. Performance-wise, we have a secret weapon to keep our original After School color, so please look forward to it.”

Indonesia Version:
Tepat sebelum mereka comeback bulan ini para wanita seksi dari After School sempat mengambil bagian pemotretan untuk "Elle Girl".
Memanfaatkan potongan retro funky, gadis-gadis itu diminta untuk mengungkapkan genre musik disko, swing, dan rock punk dengan pesona mereka. Tugas ini merupakan suatu prestasi bagi mereka.
Dalam wawancara yang menyertainya, UEE berbicara sedikit tentang gambar dirinya dengan menyatakan, "Saya selalu berpikir saya pemalu, tapi aku cukup ramah dengan orang yang saya bertemu untuk pertama kalinya".

Semua anggota After School setuju bahwa sebelum mereka comeback,mereka mengambil bagian dalam "Elle Girl"photoshoot. 

Nana melanjutkan, "Orang-orang tampaknya berpikir bahwa kita selalu berkelahi tetapi tidak ada kelompok lain gadis yang sedekat kita. Mungkin itu karena kesenjangan usia yang besar yang membuat orang berpikir kakak yang dominan, tapi semua orang benar-benar baik dan peduli. "

Komentar karena mereka akan comeback,Raina menyimpulkan"Kami memberikan citra kami untuk memancarkan keramahan satu orang yang lain ,Performance-wise ,kami mempunyai senjata rahasia untuk menjaga warna asli After School.


Source:allkpop via

Translate by : SHAKYUNG


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